Stepping out at Maxim Park

Ladies taking a 'Maxim Park Step Count Challenge' selfie

Taking part in the Maxim Park Step Count Challenge, workplaces across the park signed up to our walking challenge, with over 20,000 miles covered by our collective efforts. Find out more…

Ladies taking a 'Maxim Park Step Count Challenge' selfie

Over the last 4 weeks, the Maxim Park community has come together in the interests of improving our collective health and wellbeing. In doing so, hundreds of people working across the park “ditched the desk and walked the walk”!!

Taking part in the Maxim Park Step Count Challenge, workplaces across the park signed up to our walking challenge where individuals and teams of up to five people recorded their walking activity over 4 weeks, competing on a virtual leader board while having a bit of fun with their colleagues along the way!

Image montage of people who did the Maxim Park Step Count Challenge

Participants also scooped up some amazing weekly and overall champion prizes won along the way!!

Our tenants shared some truly inspirational stories, telling us why they chose to take part in the challenge and what motivated them to keep going. Sharing some lovely pictures of their walks on social media and hidden gems of walks too.

Altogether, everyone taking part recorded an amazing 45,175,927 steps. That is 20,213 miles – almost the distance around the earth (24,000 miles) or 5 x times the distance of Maxim Park to Sydney in Australia. If walking at a constant speed of 3mph without stopping it would take 278 days to walk this distance!!

That’s a pretty amazing achievement. Well done to everyone who took part.


Getting to Know – Colin McKinnon


Maxim Park Summer BBQ 2022