Getting to Know – Colin McKinnon

Colin McKinnon, Balfour Beatty, Maxim Park Glasgow

Colin McKinnon has worked for the leading international infrastructure group, Balfour Beatty for over 30 years and for the past 5 years onsite here at Maxim Park. We chatted with Colin, who is a Facilities Assistant working within Maxim 7, to find out more about his working life and his interests outside of the workplace.

Colin, tell us which building are you based in and what do like most about working at Maxim?
I work at Maxim 7 but I really like what the whole park has to offer, from nice walks to feeding the fish and of course Maxim’s very own putting area. As for working at Balfour Beatty, I enjoy the variety and day to day challenges my job role brings.

How long have you worked at Maxim Park?

I have worked at Maxim Park for 5 years but I have worked for Balfour Beatty for over 30 years.

What has been your most memorable day whilst working at Maxim?

Having a surprise celebration for my 50th Birthday. It was a special day made even more special by the gifts and well wishes from Maxim staff.

Can you tell us about how you go about travelling to and from Maxim each day?
I travel to work by car which is the most convenient way for me.

What did you miss about working at Maxim, during the Covid lockdowns?
The social interaction with other staff.

Which three famous people, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?
Pele - just so we can talk football!
John Logie Baird - so I can talk to him about how much his invention has changed the world.
Robin Williams - to add some comedy to the evening and we can talk about his career in TV and films.

Describe your dream holiday.
A multi city break to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and New York – for the sightseeing and the stars!!

If you could be anyone from any time period, who would it be and why?
Ferdinand Magellan who circumnavigated the globe in the 16th century. I would love to be able to discover new worlds and sights that had never been seen before.

When you’re not at work what do you like to do?
Camping – when I can get the time!


Meet the Maxim team – Emma Jones


Stepping out at Maxim Park